
Why should I work? Why do I have to work? I don’t want to. I need time. 

︎ Trailer

︎ Short film

︎ Essay [english]

︎ Essay [german]

Narrative short film | Eckhardt: Roland Wendling | Mariana: Adriana Möbius | Director: Konstantin Rall | Production design: Zeehyun Soh | Camera: Kaspar Kamu | Lighting: Anthony Tenambergen.

︎ Cast and Crew on IMDb

Genre: Drama | Country of production: Germany | Year of production: 2017 | Running time: 15 minutes | Shooting format: 4K / 2K | Aspect ratio: 2:1 | Sound: 5.1 | Language: German, choice of English or French subtitles.

FBW (German Film and Media Review): Seal of Approval: 'Recommended'.

︎ Review on FBW [german]